Growing up, I didn’t have a lot going on. I was a dyslexic, poor, extroverted kid whose parents had just divorced. I found myself in a messy, dysfunctional situation. Exiting that situation at the age of 15, I was a couch surfer & found myself homeless more than a handful of times. At the age of 17, I dropped out of high school. I remember the feeling of anger and aimlessness very well, as that pain would become my motivation for years to come. I have been called a loser countless times, and people have said I wouldn’t amount to anything. There was a continual barrage of my poor choices coming back to bite me in the ass. Before dropping out of school, I would skip school to go to the local gym that was down the road from my high school. Doing this seemed to help me temporarily escape the issues that I did not want to face. I discovered that you can push through pain and still see results. Something that I would not connect with in my life for many years. You see, I’ve always had a good work ethic because that was the only thing that I thought I had. At that time, my work ethic was really all I had, so I started to build my new-found principles off of that.
Strength training always seemed to make sense to me. You have an objective, and the goals of that hour or hour and a half are to complete those objectives that you’ve written down for yourself. In my world of mass complexity and a sea of complications, this would show me something very clear. "Lift the damn weight", That’s how you get through this. That’s what it will take to make it to the end of this training. Don’t think outside of this hour. Don’t even think outside this rep.
I discovered myself by going one rep and one set at a time. Consistency made progress and showed me discipline. A structure that I’ve never experienced was built and earned through pain and hard work. Everyone has to start with their first rep. Strength training saved me through its iron lessons, one rep, one set at a time. Twenty years later, from a trashy, nothing-kid to a multiple business owner with the discipline to better understand how to navigate life, implement what he's learned, and share it with others. If you aren’t in a good place, or perhaps you don’t like the choices you’ve made, Maybe you think you don't have much to offer; start small. You can start as small as one rep. So, yeah, it’s a little more than just strength training to me. What does strength training mean to you?
Monday - Friday: 5:30AM to 8:30PM
Saturday: 8AM to 3PM
Sunday: By Appointment Only