Saying something alluring to get a client isn’t ever going to help you. It’s not hard to be on the side of quality strength training and health and wellness information instead of expedient answers. Perhaps it’s because I have said stuff like this in the past, with my ignorance and lack of real-world successes and experiences. I’ve had the opportunity to learn from my own experiences with my own clients and from other phenomenal coaches.
Strength & Wellness truths
1. There is NO easy way
Only behavioral changes. Those habits are often the hardest to break. However, if you practice, you’ll make progress.
2. Strength training and movement are the most important and helpful things anyone can do at any time in their lives to help themselves feel better longer. It has ZERO negative consequences, which is why it’s so difficult. Strength training is hard, period. If you start with just one or two days a week, your body will become more efficient. Possibly changing you so much with just that amount that you never thought it was possible.
3. Nutrition information is often overcomplicated and driven by fear or perhaps willful ignorance. It’s become similar to a religious practice, maybe by accident or perhaps on purpose, depending on who’s shouting the loudest about their diet doctrine. The best outcomes with nutrition are behavioral and focused on a specific change rather than targeting and demonizing a particular food or macronutrient. Learning the basics first can be so helpful for someone who is curious and wants to change.
* How much protein should I have?
* What’s overeating or undereating for me?
* What am I willing to work on?
* Why am I doing this?
These are just some questions you could ask yourself to better improve your nutrition.
I will work the rest of my career with other coaches and try to make it better for the best possible information to get you, to help you.
Focusing on your health, wellness, and strength training will always be the answer. As hard as it is to do, there will be people here to help you get stronger and get better and stay better longer.
Just a coach trying
Now repeat
Small things done well add up
Small things done well add up
Monday - Friday: 5:30AM to 8:30PM
Saturday: 8AM to 3PM
Sunday: By Appointment Only