This May, Sculpt Fitness chose Christine to be our Featured Member. Check out her journey to the aisle!
As a kid I was always active, taking dance classes multiple days per week and playing tennis in high school. After that, I was in college and starting my career and would go to the gym just because but was never very consistent in my workouts. In early 2013, I had my annual physical and was a little alarmed by my weight – it was the highest I’d ever been and a 5 pound gain from the year before. No, it’s not much, but it wasn’t a path I wanted to go down. I started going to the gym, doing cardio, taking fitness classes, and even had a personal trainer once per week. I was able to get my weight back to my normal range but I wasn’t making any progress towards getting definition & tone. When Sculpt Fitness opened in late 2014, I started attending some lunchtime classes which really tested my capabilities – weight training circuits and high intensity interval training were not what I was used to. After getting engaged I started weight training with Dave three times per week. It was the best decision I ever made!
I always wanted ‘resting arm definition’ as I called it in my head. You know, those cut looking arms when you’re not even working out. Well it’s possible!! It definitely takes time and hard work, but I can’t wait to sport them at my wedding. For any brides out there, or anyone simply looking for a change to their workout routine, Sculpt Fitness can definitely help you get to your dream body.
Dave held me accountable to my diet, reminded me of my goals, and pushed me to keep improving each week. If you told me a year ago I would be able to curl 20 pound dumbbells I would’ve laughed. But Sculpt made it possible.
Weight training has given me so many more benefits and results than anything else I used to do – and even I am surprised. I feel like we’re brainwashed to think that cardio is the only way to burn fat and get lean but I’m proof it is not true. I still do some lower intensity cardio for my heart health, but my main focus is weights – it helped me burn fat and build muscle quicker. I’m down in weight below that ‘normal range’ I typically had been and I’m down in body fat too. I have more energy, confidence, and I feel great about how I look. Can’t wait to share my SculPTed wedding photos
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