Here is Sculpt’s proven way to plan your nutrition and #livesculpted. If you are interested in learning more about our nutrition programs or are considering starting your journey to better health, give us a call at 860-470-7395 or schedule your free consultation at
Your body learns to use what you give it. When you only eat one or two meals per day, it learns to slow the metabolism to store and ration fuel. By increasing the number of meals you consume and eating on a schedule, your body metabolism will increase, as well as stabilize blood sugar and energy levels.
It’s common for people on a “diet” to cut carbs or proteins completely, but think of protein as the materials used to build muscle, and carbs as the energy used to put it all together. By providing your body with a balance of protein and carbs, you will have all the parts to build muscle, and increase the metabolic rate.
Portion sizes vary with different foods and from person to person, but as a general rule, keep portion sizes approximately the size of your palm. If you find that you’re hungry again in less than three hours, your portion sizes may be too small. Alternatively, if you find that you’re not hungry after three hours, your portion sizes are likely too big.
Just as your body requires oxygen and nourishment, water is crucial to your success. Drinking 8 or more cups of water per day will keep you hydrated and help with digestion, circulation, and every other process going on inside your body. Remember, if you drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, you’ll want to replace any water lost by any diuretic effect.
Supplementing with meal replacements and other products can help you reach your goals efficiently, but it is important to use them safely. Simply put, just because your trainer or another Member uses a product, it doesn’t mean that it’s the right product for you. Again, our bodies are vastly different, so what works for one, may not be suitable for another. Your Trainer will advise you on the best supplements for YOU.
Most of us are incredibly busy throughout the day, and it can be difficult to come up with a meal on the fly. To help you succeed, spend some time each week to plan your meals, choose a grocery list, and prepare any meals. If you know what is on your menu in advance, you will know what should be on your shopping list. If you know what you’ve purchased, there should be no question about what’s for dinner when you’re wrapping up your day.
We all have our guilty pleasures or foods that we don’t want to live without. Believe it or not, that’s perfectly fine. The key is to work hard and treat yourself, but only once you’ve earned it. Your Trainer will suggest a two-week clean eating period. Once you’ve trained through it, it’s important to plan one day off the Nutrition schedule. Cheating a bit will not only help ease your mind, but is also valuable to your metabolism. After a few weeks of clean eating, and fast metabolism, your body will begin to level off. By throwing yourself a reasonable curveball, you’ll internally decide to quickly break down the junk carbs and fats. Be careful not to overdo it, but it’s OK to enjoy that lazy Sunday.
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